Most of my academic education, I completed in Germany. I have a Masters in Education with a focus on Fine Arts and French.
In 1999, I moved to Vancouver Island, where I quickly manifested my long time dream: creating my own school, outside of the institutionalized system. In Germany that seemed impossible, on Vancouver Island, with a healthy home schooling system in place, it happened with ease. "Children of the Round Table" became my focus for many years.
Soon after landing in Canada, I met my husband, and my other dream of having a family became reality. In 2000 we started a family and had two wonderful children. Being a mother is a big and important part of my life.
In 2008, I started a new career as an Integrative Body Psychotherapy (IBP) Practitioner. I found IBP as a client in crisis and my fascination with the modality and how it changed my life, drew me to study the modality. I got certified as an IBP practitioner in 2013 and as an IBP facilitator in 2016. I have been seeing clients in my private practise in Duncan and teaching IBP workshops ever since and have found my niche here. I love my work.
Life Changes
Being creative has been a gift to me that takes various forms. Dancing and Painting are my most cherished as they help me to keep me in balance and allow my soul to express freely. Throughout my life I have been studying several forms of dance, starting with ballet and jazz, to ecstatic dance and the most transformative modality of Kundalini dance. Since 2009, I have been offering workshops to share the gift of creativity with my community. "Dance & Paint" expressive arts journeys were born out of a fascination with the magic that happens when these two modalities get combined.
Throughout my 20s, I was deeply involved in Buddhist practise and studies. Starting at 19 years of age, Zen meditation, and I later Tibetan Buddhism where a big focus of my life. I have been searching for a deeper meaning in this world ever since I can remember. Here in Canada I shifted my practise of studying the divine feminine mystery through 13 feminine Archetypes. During the many years of learning and soul exploration in circle, I found a lot of answers to my existential questions and a sense of a homecoming for my soul. At the same time I gathered a lot of tools and skills about holding a safe space for the transformation and healing of individuals and groups.
In 2020, after my own marriage ended, I took a training and was certified as a Conscious Uncoupling Coach by Katherine Woodward Thomas. This adds a specific section to the work I now offer in my practice to help individuals that are going through separation or divorce to heal and grow through their crisis and create the best possible outcome for all, especially the children.
It is in my deepest joy to be in service to my community in all the different ways you can find on this website. Supporting individuals through crisis, coming together in groups to connect and heal together or create a safe space to be creative, are all ways I love to interact.
Creating guided meditations, affirmation cards and art work are ways I can share my gifts with you. My wish is for them to nurture and inspire you.
Words of Wisdom
Willing to experience aloneness,
I discover connection everywhere;
Turning to face my fear,
I meet the warrior who lives within;
Opening to my loss, I am given unimaginable gifts;
Surrendering into emptiness, I find fullness without end.
Each condition I flee from pursues me.
Each condition I welcome transforms me
And becomes itself transformed
Into its radiant jewel-like essence.
I bow to the one who has made it so,
Who has crafted this Master Game;
To play it is pure delight,
To honour it is true devotion.
Jennifer Welwood (psychotherapist)