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Coming Home to Yourself
April 14th - May 19th, 2023

Women Holding Hands


A 6 week personal growth and self care workshop for those who identify as women  

Combining tools of Integrative Body Psychotherapy (IBP) with breath,  movement, and creative expression.


 Time and Place:

 Fridays, 10:00am - 12:30pm

2986 Tower Ridge Road, in Duncan 

 April 14th - May 19th, 2023 



$300 for 6 sessions, 

(2 payments of $150 possible)

maximum 8 participants


Feel the support of a circle in a fast changing world.

“We have to do it ourselves but we can’t do it alone”. 

Listen, and be heard and held in a safe container.

Learn new tools you can use in your daily life, to nourish your soul or deal with difficult situations.

Learn about body awareness, boundaries, the power of breath, and how to use it for anxiety and depression.

Allow your soul creative expression with colours, writing or movement.

Recharge and find more clarity on how to meet the challenges in your life.  

"Be the change you want to see in the world."


Testimonial from the first course: 

"Gathering in circle with Sybille felt like medicine for my heart. She created a nurturing space that was so deeply healing and joyful. After each session, I felt like I was able to go out into the world and “bloom” with a new sense of courage, understanding and self-compassion. As a mother of young ones, it feels essential to make time to learn about myself, to re-fill my own cup, to dive deep, and reflect on the collective wisdom of community. Sybille created the perfect creative space for this and I am eternally grateful for the gifts she shares with the world." 


Week 1: 

 Personal Boundaries, and their Power 

Learning to honour your own “yes” and “no”. 


Week 2: 

Learning the Language of your Body 

How well do you listen to your body? How can you understand the subtle (or not so subtle) clues your body gives you? How contracted muscles try to protect you, and can cause illness if you don’t listen. 


Week 3:

Your Inner Child 

How to listen so you dinner child will speak. Finding compassion and building trust in yourself.


Week 4:

  Breath is your Superpower

Learn to regulate your nervous system, through different kinds of breath. Soothe anxiety, work with anger, or get out of stagnation.


Week 5:

Relationship Patterns

 What patterns do you play out in your relationships? Are you an agent for everyone else, while abandoning yourself? What makes you feel safe? Closeness or distance? Understand your own patterns of relating and that of your loved ones. 

Week 6:

Become the Author of your Life’s Story 

The only real freedom we have is the freedom of perception. Changing perception from victim to author, or from “life happening to you” to “life happening for you” will change the whole story.  

Women Holding Hands


This workshop is for you if you:

  • love or would like to connect and share, support and feel supported by other women

  • are interested in personal growth, healing work and creative expression (no skills necessary)

  • are committed to learning and getting to know yourself deeper, so you can become the best version of yourself

  • feel like you can’t do it alone, and need some tools and support

  • strive to be the change you want to see in the world


This workshop is not for you if you:

  • need personal therapy because you are in a severe life crisis

  • have never done any personal work, (one on one or in a group)

  • are looking for trauma therapy

(In any of these cases please contact me for one on one sessions)


Dance and Paint

Dirty Paintbrushes

Have you ever been in a room with people that are all immersed in their own creative process? It's one of my favourite feelings. You are working on your own painting, are fully immersed in your own expression, but are in the presence of others that do the same. The creative field gets amplified and inspiration flows more freely. We inspire each other. There is something peaceful, grounding and ancient about this. 


During dance and paint workshops, the magic of "the third" or creativity enters the space quite easily. Somehow the combination of two or more different art forms brings a form of inspiration that is unique. If you struggle with finding your own inspiration to paint, but really enjoy this medium, let yourself be inspired! If you enjoy dance and connecting with parts of you that have no words, let yourself be led into the joy of experiencing your body and allowing creative expression to flow through you. We will paint from intuition, not concept. We will allow your soul to express itself on canvas through colour. It's like free writing. Once your mind is not in charge, colours flow freely onto the canvas and express through you. 


No previous dancing or painting experience necessary.

Find your creative spark.

Allow your inner child to play.








Online, zoom link comes with your registration confirmation 



Sat, January 28th, 2023, 10:00am - 12:30pm

Sat, Feb 25th, 2023, 10:00am - 12:30pm

Sat, March, 25th, 2023, 10:00am - 12:30pm 

Sat, April 22nd, 2023, 10:00am - 12:30pm



$40 per session


Material needed:

- a canvas, preferably about 16"x20"

- acrylic paints of your choice

- a bigger paintbrush (about an inch wide) and a fine one (feel free to use all your other favourite ones too if you like)

- acrylic pens if you like (not necessary)

- an easel if you have, or a table protected with newspaper

- a container for water

- one or more cloth for drying brushes and wiping fingers

- a pallet or plastic lid to put your blobs of paint on 


Where to get art supplies:

Michaels (Victoria) has good art supplies at reasonable prices.

Jysk is selling canvases.

Dollar Stores have smaller canvases and some paints. 

Scotts Toys and Hobbies in Duncan has a big selection of paints and brushes






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