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Good Parent Messages

I love you.
I will take care of you.
I want you.
Trust your inner voice.
You are special to me.
I will set boundaries...
You don't have to be afraid any more
I see you and I hear you.
You can trust me.
My love will make you well.
I welcome your love...

This deck of 26 cards supports the healing of the wounded inner child through images and healthy messages.

$40.00 & shipping

To order cards please send me an email with your name and address and the amount of decks you would like. As soon as you receive my response with the bill, you can send an e-transfer or PayPal me the money and I will mail the cards to you. 

The concept of the Good Parent Messages comes from Integrative Body Psychotherapy (IBP), created by Dr. Jack Rosenberg. They represent the messages that each new born longs to feel from their parents in order to grow up with confidence, a sense of self and the ability to form close relationships.

Being human and carrying their own wounds, our parents could only pass on easily what they themselves have received. That is how the blueprint for our patterns of relationship has been designed.The messages given by parents or caregivers will be integrated into the core of a child's being. Once received, they provide the inner support that allows a child to create relationships in this world.

No one has ever received all these messages perfectly. There is only a brief period of time, or 'window', in childhood during which each of these messages can be provided by your parents. When that time passes, that window closes. Even if your parents belatedly recognize your need and strive to fill it, it is too late. Your basic needs can no longer be satisfied from outside yourself. You may find yourself fruitlessly trying to obtain these messages from your partner or children. The good news: What we have not received, we can now fulfill for ourselves as part of our own self development. If we don't, we will compulsively seek these messages from others throughout life.

Now, only you can give them to yourself. The interesting thing is, we can not receive them through our cognitive thinking but only through a felt sense. To begin the process memorize them. Write those you can remember into your personal journal, then read the messages again and fill in the ones you missed. If you do this each day, you will discover that the few you keep forgetting are probably the ones you did not sufficiently receive in childhood.

As a student of IBP, Sybille Webb chose to paint them. We encourage you to find your own way of expressing and integrating these messages through creative activities. Walk them, dance them, write poems about them, say them aloud, breathe them ... do whatever helps you to take them in, so these heathy core believe systems can be anchored deep within your psyche. The results will change your life and your ability to maintain close relationships with others.

By clarifying the history of your first intimate relationships you will be able to form a new narrative for your life, one that is created by your free will and knowingness. 

Agency Mantras

Agency Mantras

This deck of 12 healing cards contains messages to support healthy self care.

$35.00 & shipping


To order cards please send me an email with your name and address and the amount of decks you would like. As soon as you receive my response with the bill, you can send an e-transfer or PayPal me the money and I will mail the cards to you. 

The Agency Messages are adapted from Integrative Body Psychotherapy ( IBP), created by Dr. Jack Rosenberg

Being in Agency in the IBP context means taking care of the needs of others before your own at the expense of your own well being. The origin for this self sacrifice usually lies in early childhood and is often based in fear. through finding the origin of the fear and dismantling it, a whole new door to self care and self love will open in your life.

An IBP therapist helped me track the agency patterns in my intergenerational history of family relationships. Later, she gave me the 'agency mantras' and asked if I was interested in working with them. At that time the words didn't seem to resonate with me. In fact, I tried to change them around to make them sound more positive. I began to paint them and the images came to me easily. Some brought the messages closer to me, but I was particularly struggling with the wording of the first mantra, 'You are not bad. You haven't done anything wrong.' “Of course I am not bad... I am trying as hard as I can to be the best person I possibly can”, I defended myself. I liked the image and hung it up in my bedroom. It took a month before I understood its impact. Lying on my bed after a stressful day, I stared at the picture. This was the first time I consciously experienced the self-destructive feeling of badness in my body. With the image came the words 'You are not bad. You haven't done anything wrong.' Taking these words in, I felt a gentle release in my body and a new journey of life changing awareness began.


I offer these images to inspire you to find your own way to take these mantras in. The first statement is the most important. Use your journal to work on any of these statements you can't say with emotional confidence. Say them aloud, and then notice what you feel in your body. It is the feeling in your body that'll let you know if you truly believe each statement on a deeper, more meaningful level. Using the agency mantra cards is an important step toward maintaining your core self within an intimate relationship. It is only in your body that you can feel the difference between an act of agency and an act of love.


Pay attention to your body signals, the ones that speak on your own behalf - exactly what the agent avoids. If one of these is the truth you need to hear, adopt it, repeating it to yourself again and again. Sometimes it takes a while for the body experience to penetrate to your core.

Chakra Affirmation Cards

Root Chakra
Sacral Chakra
Power Chakra
Heart Chakra
Throat Chakra
Third Eye Chakra
Crown Chakra
Kundalini Flower

This deck of 8 cards contains a brief description of the energy of each chakra, connected organs, symptoms of imbalance and affirmations to rebalance. $25.00 & shipping

To order cards please send me an email with your name and address and the amount of decks you would like. As soon as you receive my response with the bill, you can send an e-transfer or PayPal me the money and I will mail the cards to you. 

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